Two girls doing plank

Overcoming Adversity

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind not with it” – Henry Ford
This is […]

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Girl carrying Fit Kitchen bag

Own It!

It has been a few weeks since my last post about implementing the actions behind my acronym P.O.W.E.R..
Last time I talked about Planning and […]

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Power of Positivity Eating Well

The Power Of P!

Whenever I need to give myself a good Pep talk to feel Phenomenal, I always fall back to the Power of the letter “P’. Being an entrepreneur you are always looking […]

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Fit Kitchen healthy meal prep container with a balanced meal.

Feeling Great!

Fit Kitchen has been touching more peoples lives than ever over the past six months and it got me thinking about why. Strangely this […]

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An image showing blocks of alphabets.

Embrace The Suck!

I have some good friends doing a crazy fundraiser called “embrace the suck” where they are challenging their mental and physical toughness every day […]

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